The most interesting topic from the Republic is from Book VII, the allegory of the cave. With the allegory of the cave Plato gives us the power to break the chains that bind us down and leads us to see the light. In the allegory of the cave Plato sets the scene with humans in a cave that have been chained since childhood so they are restricted from moving and looking around the The Allegory Of The Cave In The Republic By Plato. Words | 4 Pages. Plato describes a cave in which prisoners are kept since childhood. These prisoners are held in a peculiar manner where they are all chained to be unable to see what is behind them and are only to Mar 19, · Essay the Allegory of the Cave. Imagine a world without the distractions in daily living, close family or friends, love, religion, and other traditional things that raises our society upon. This is the style of life that Plato thought society should act in order to function to relate more to a perfect environment/5(22)
“The Allegory of the Cave” by Plato Essay -
Imagine a world without the distractions in daily living, close family or friends, love, religion, and other traditional things that raises our society upon. This is the style of life that Plato thought society should act in order to function to relate more to a perfect environment. For society to eliminate all of the obligations in their lives would be very difficult but Plato had motivation to make it happen. The philosopher attempts to teach many individuals that human perception can trick the senses and authentic knowledge can only be achieved through philosophical reasoning, allegory of the cave essay.
The thought of how the prisoners were living in the cave absent of reality is how Plato sees society today. The prisoners saw images casted upon the wall and were interested in them. They believe that these shadows are real and the more time spent studying these objects, the more likely you are to be successful. The prisoners confidently talk about the shadows and believe they are full of wisdom. A prisoner breaks loose and sees the world truly and so the fascinating forms. Plato attempts to inform society that individuals are able to able to learn the beauty of the forms but they have to escape the cave of distractions first.
The most difficult part of being enlightened is to leave the cave. Individuals are fooled into thinking that the life they are living is the best life that could be refusing any other ideas. When the escaped prisoner returned to the cave to inform the others about the trees, allegory of the cave essay, creatures, space, and real sun, they thought he was crazy and did not take him seriously. Allegory of the cave essay it works. The parents and schools who teach their kids false things, the desire to find the perfect lover, and religions forcing thoughts upon one idea.
These ideas are not real but only images displayed on the cave wall of our fooled minds. Through listening to Plato and working together to discovering the true forms of life, the world will be built more as a unit and reveal a true sense of fulfillment in life, allegory of the cave essay. Although this idea might be true, it could be dangerous the way you approach it to people. In the story, the prisoner abruptly forced all of the information on the others at one time and made them furious leading to danger. Plato knew from the past that people did not want to hear they were wrong from the philosopher who educated him, Socrates. Socrates kept demanding that his way was right and if not followed it then you are a fool. Socrates was eventually killed and that changed the way Plato wanted to inform others.
He believed that admitting the ignorance of an idea and growing the idea with someone who knows a little more would result in the best outcome. This is not how the prisoner acted and might have received a different result if he had approached the situation the correct way. The prisoners did not act in denial because the believed the escaped on was absolutely wrong, they just did not want to admit that they were wrong and needed change, allegory of the cave essay. This relates to how people act today, they deny any other ways because their way is best. This is a huge reason on why the world is split up into different countries.
Plato says we should grow off of each other and find the absolute truth together instead of proving our ignorant ways work the best. Philosophers such as Aristotle might disagree allegory of the cave essay this idea and say that reality is not in forms but is in life. Aristotle believes our senses are one of the special things about life and is true and not artificial. Aristotle believed in human truth and did not think we needed to find reality but govern it the correct way. Although this could be true, many would experience life differently without obligations. Aristotle thought that we needed family and close relationships but they raise individuals into the current culture blinding them of reality.
Aristotle also confidently trusted and defended our senses when they can often be tricked. He also explains that they are being tricked with the help of the cultures that raise individuals, allegory of the cave essay. The story of the cave and the information on how to be enlightened should be taught around the world so slowly we can form a healthy culture that desires the forms in life. The information should not be forced upon society but gently drifting society away from false living. Need a custom essay on the same topic? Our writers can help you with any allegory of the cave essay of essay. For any subject Get your price How it works.
Plato's Allegory of the Cave Explained in 10 Minutes
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Sep 21, · September 21, by Essay Writer. The parable of the cave by Plato was an attempt to highlight the importance of education to the achievement of wisdom. Plato compared the parable to the processes that a person goes through as a philosopher. He argues that once a person has been enlightened to the level of a philosopher, he should go back to the mundane The Allegory Of The Cave In The Republic By Plato. Words | 4 Pages. Plato describes a cave in which prisoners are kept since childhood. These prisoners are held in a peculiar manner where they are all chained to be unable to see what is behind them and are only to The most interesting topic from the Republic is from Book VII, the allegory of the cave. With the allegory of the cave Plato gives us the power to break the chains that bind us down and leads us to see the light. In the allegory of the cave Plato sets the scene with humans in a cave that have been chained since childhood so they are restricted from moving and looking around the
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