It is argued that, “Like sex, alcohol, or cigarettes, marijuana is one of life’s little pleasures for some people” (Should Marijuana Be Legalized under Any Circumstances?). If marijuana were legalized our economy would improve, the crime rate would decrease, medical benefits would be seen, and make it possible for the quality and safety of drugs to be regulated Legalizing Marijuana Essay Outline. Thesis: Marijuana should be legalized as it is more beneficial that it may be detrimental to society. Paragraph 1: Marijuana has not caused turmoil in some of the countries where it has been legalized. Marijuana does not increase violent, and property crimes as many suggest Thesis: Marijuana has health benefits and should thus be legal. Body. Benefits of Marijuana. Paragraph 1: Marijuana slows and stops the spread of cancer cells. Cannabidiol can turn off a gene called Id-1 and can therefore stop cancer. In an experiment, researchers were able to treat breast cancer cells with Cannabidiol. Paragraph 2: Marijuana helps with pain and nausea
Argumentative Essay On Marijuana Legalization - blogger.com
The issue regarding marijuana legalization has been subjected to intense public discourse among experts in different fields. Politicians, psychologists, doctors, professors, athletes, and legal experts have repeatedly discussed the topic without consensus for several years. The media and popular culture have been critical components in the raging discussion. Proponents of marijuana legalization argue that the drug has medical benefits and it is an effective relaxant Caulkins On the other hand, opponents argue that legalization of marijuana will encourage misuse, increase addictions, and promote crime. States such as Washington and Colorado have legalized marijuana for recreational use while other states are in their process of revising their laws. Marijuana should not be legalized because of its adverse health effects as well as its potential to cause addictions, increase crime, encourage misuse, and act as a gateway to hard drugs, marijuana should be legal essay.
Medical experts have revealed that marijuana has adverse physical and mental health effects on users Caulkins This is the main reason why the Food and Drug Administration has not endorsed it for human consumption, marijuana should be legal essay. According to the Drug Abuse Network, smoking three rolls of marijuana has the same effect as smoking 20 cigarettes Ruschmann Continued use of marijuana has been linked to poor memory and abnormal brain structure that is characterized by shrinkage of the orbitofrontal cortex. In addition, the brains of heavy smokers have numerous cross-brain connections that alter certain brain functions. The effects are more severe in people who start using the drug at a young age. Marijuana also affects the ability of the brain to form new memories and coordinate various body functions Caulkins As a result, activities such as learning and driving are affected significantly by sustained use.
Consumption of large quantities causes side effects such as hallucinations, marijuana should be legal essay, anxiety, and delusions. Memory impairment is a good enough reason to oppose legalization of marijuana. Long-term effects of marijuana use include addiction as well as increased risk of developing bronchitis, schizophrenia, and depression Ruschmann Marijuana smoke is harmful to the lungs because it contains carcinogens that cause cancer and respiratory problems. It is also prescribed to individuals with attention deficit disorders and contains cannabinoids that are effective in treating nausea. Despite these benefits, marijuana should not be legalized because its negative effects outweigh its benefits. On the other hand, marijuana should be legal essay, alternative drugs that serve the aforementioned medical uses of marijuana are available marijuana should be legal essay do not marijuana should be legal essay similar adverse effects.
Legalizing marijuana will increase crime. Research has revealed that marijuana impairs judgment and can therefore influence individuals marijuana should be legal essay commit crime Caulkins One of the most common crimes among marijuana users is marijuana should be legal essay assault and robbery with violence. It was the most widely used drug among incarcerated criminals. Another study conducted in Denver established a similar relationship between crime and marijuana. Crime rate was high in neighborhoods situated near health facilities that administered marijuana for medical use. According to the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, marijuana use causes approximately 10 million deaths annually due to overdose and related effects Ruschmann The health costs related to the drug complications are huge especially those that accrue from rehabilitation of addicts.
Marijuana is a major factor in crime because it contributes towards violent and aggressive behaviors Caulkins These behaviors have been linked to increased cases of domestic violence and sexual assault. In certain cases, addicts commit crime in order to get money to fund their addictions. Finally, marijuana use interferes with proper motor coordination that is a common cause of traffic accidents. According to research, approximately 9 percent of marijuana users develop addictions at certain stages in their lives Friese and Grube In individuals who start smoking at an early age, the risk of developing dependence on the drug is higher than in individuals who start later in life.
According to a report released by the National Survey on Drug Use and Health NSDUH4. In the yearNSDUH estimated that 18 percent of teenagers who use drugs reported marijuana as their drug of choice Ruschmann Marijuana addiction is compared to nicotine addiction that has severe withdrawal symptoms such as insomnia, aggressiveness, irritability, and anxiety Friese and Grube Legalizing marijuana will encourage its use among young people that could lead to addictions in their youth. It is important to protect the welfare and future of young people.
According to the gateway drug theory, consumption of soft drugs exposes individuals to the risk of using heavy drugs Ruschmann Many addicts start with drugs such as marijuana whose side effects are not marijuana should be legal essay severe as those of hard drugs. Proponents argue that not all drug users marijuana should be legal essay with marijuana as their first drug. They ignore the results of various studies that have validated the use of marijuana as a gateway drug. A survey conducted on users of hard drugs revealed that many of them started with marijuana before they started using hard drugs. Legalizing marijuana will expose many people to the risk of graduating to hard drugs that have more severe effects Friese and Grube In order to lower the number of people who use hard drugs, it is necessary to maintain the use and possession of marijuana illegal.
Marijuana is a gateway drug because it is cheap and readily available among young people. Hard drugs are more difficult to obtain and more expensive to buy than soft drugs, marijuana should be legal essay. Proponents argue that illegalization of marijuana is against the personal freedom and liberty provided for by the American constitution. They further argue that individuals should be allowed to use their free will to decide whether to use or not to use marijuana. This approach to the concept of freedom is misleading because limits should be set regarding certain matters that affect all citizens. Laws exist to create order and harmony in society. In addition, proponents argue that illegalization does not stop people from using the drug and should therefore be legalized in order to reduce crime and eradicate drug trafficking.
However, they ignore the fact that legalization will increase the number of addicts. It is unethical for the state to facilitate the distribution of a substance that has been shown to have adverse health effects on users Ruschmann Legalization will increase associated health costs and encourage use among children and young people Friese and Grube Increased cases of addiction will result in broken families and children neglect, marijuana should be legal essay. In order to avoid these problems, marijuana should not be legalized. It is the responsibility of states to protect the welfare of citizens. The issue of marijuana legalization has been debated in the U. for many years.
Some states have legalized its use amidst tough opposition from parents. According to proponents, legalization will reduce crime, foster personal freedom, and enhance its use in the medical field. On the other hand, opponents maintain that legalization will encourage misuse, increase crime, and multiply its adverse health effects. The adverse effects of marijuana include addiction, respiratory problems, and shrinkage of the orbitofrontal cortex that affects the ability of individuals to express emotions and make decision. Marijuana legalization will increase crime because addicts will commit robberies to finance their addictions.
Research has revealed that marijuana is the most common drug among offenders. Legalizing marijuana will encourage its misuse by children and teenagers. Currently, many people use it as a gateway to hard drugs such as heroin and cocaine. Proponents argue that marijuana should be legalized because of its medical benefits and potential to reduce crime. They ignore it adverse effects on users especially individuals who use it for a sustained period. Marijuana has medical benefits. However, drugs with similar benefits and less severe effects exist and should be used. Caulkins, Jonathan.
Marijuana Legalization: What Everyone Needs to Know. New York: Oxford University Press, Friese, Bettina and Grube Joel, marijuana should be legal essay. Legalization of Medical Marijuana and Marijuana Use Among Youths, marijuana should be legal essay. Drugs Ingold, John and Meyer Jeremy. Slight Increase in Crimes near Denver Medical- Marijuana Dispensaries. EduFixers Sociology Should Marijuana Be Legalized? Table of Contents. Adverse health effects. Use as a gateway drug. Leadership, Conflict and Communication in Groups. Human Rights for Development.
why marijuana should be legal, an in-depth video essay - EXTRA NONSENSE
, time: 4:41Why Marijuanas Should Be Legal Argumentative Essay | WOW Essays

Many individuals believe marijuana should be legalized everywhere because it is not at all as harmful as cigarettes, which are known to have cancer causing chemicals and Why Marijuana Should Be Legalized in United States. Marijuana is a plant with extreme strong fragrance, and its dry leaves are an active ingredient of a number of hallucinogenic drugs. The liberty endorsing and preaching societies of the world are still in a fit to either legalize the usage of marijuana or not Making marijuana legal would mean that the government saves all the money that it currently spends in enforcing the law against marijuana. This would be a prudent step since as it is; the efforts by the government while prohibitively high do not appear to have significantly reduced marijuana consumption in the country
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