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Essay on group work

Essay on group work

essay on group work

Nov 26,  · Group work has become very common not only in learning environment but also among workers in organizations. The common believe is that working in a group is more productive than working alone. Institutions emphasize on group and team work and invest heavily in team building among their members. Formation process of a group may determine Jul 09,  · This essay on Group work evaluation was written and submitted by your fellow student. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly This essay will look at Bruce Tuckman's theory of group development and how it was applied to group work which I have completed. In the group work setting the group came together and decided on a name "Sticker Biz ". (Gina Abudi ) In the group work setting the groups all came together and sold the products on Market Day. /5(10)

FREE Group Work Essay

For the work on the project, our class was subdivided into groups. We needed to work in groups during the semester; therefore, the proper distribution of students into members was extremely important. I was lucky to appear in the group of my good friends. That is why, working in team with them was easy and interesting for me. I knew every member of my group before the project, and this made it easier for me to communicate with them. Knowing the personal qualities of every individual allowed us organize the work properly. Specifically, we managed to distribute the tasks among the group members in a way that guaranteed the sufficiency and competency of every individual. Every member of the group was responsible for some task and its performance. All the members managed to do their tasks on time, and there were no disagreement with any of the members.

At the beginning of the work on the project, I expected essay on group work work to be rather complicated. Namely, I had assumed that it would be hard for several group members to cooperate. In fact, I had doubts about the team project to be successful. I thought that it would have been better and more comfortable for me to work on the project on my own. It was also hard for me to trust the other members, and let them be responsible for some tasks. However, with the flow of the work my vision of the project changed. The team project appeared to be a very interesting and educational type of activity. What is more, the group project contributed to my general understanding of the subject.

As far as the responsibilities were distributed among the members of the team, it was easier for me to analyze every level of the subject, essay on group work. Group project allowed me doing the research step by step, learning its separate parts, and then analyzing the project as a whole. In comparison with other activities group project proved to be harder to do, but in some cases it was even more helpful. Now I can confidently claim that the process of learning would have been incomplete without the group project. One more advantage of the group project is that it involved interaction with the other group members. Such activity developed my communicative skills, teached me how to express myself clearly and understand others better.

Furthermore, work in team developed the sense of responsibility in every of the members, as the task of each individual was not only doing his or her own task, but also contributing to the group work. Failing to do the task on time meant not only personal failure, essay on group work also letting down of the whole team. I feel that the experience of doing a group project changed my attitude to doing tasks in general, and to the process of learning. Working on team project was a new kind of activity for me. However, despite the fact that it proved to be very interesting and useful, it is hard for me to decide whether it is the best of the course activities.

I guess that team project is a good kind of work, but it cannot be used alone. Indeed, essay on group work, the textbooks are irreplaceable; they were also helpful in the project. The exercises that we did in the class were very interesting, and they helped to understand the material better. In addition, while the flow of the project was managed by us, the exercises in class were controlled by the teacher, which guaranteed our adequacy. The films shown in class were also rather helpful, especially for those students, who have a good visual memory.

I think that every kind of activity is extremely useful, and all of them need to be used in complex for maximal effect. Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you? certified writers online, essay on group work. Group work evaluation. Learn More. This essay on Group work evaluation was written and submitted by your fellow student, essay on group work. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, essay on group work, you must cite it accordingly. Removal Request. If you are the copyright essay on group work of this paper and no longer wish to have your work published on IvyPanda.

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Essay on Group Work

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Working in a Group - Words | Essay Example

essay on group work

Nov 26,  · Group work has become very common not only in learning environment but also among workers in organizations. The common believe is that working in a group is more productive than working alone. Institutions emphasize on group and team work and invest heavily in team building among their members. Formation process of a group may determine This essay will look at Bruce Tuckman's theory of group development and how it was applied to group work which I have completed. In the group work setting the group came together and decided on a name "Sticker Biz ". (Gina Abudi ) In the group work setting the groups all came together and sold the products on Market Day. /5(10) Importance Of Group Work. Words | 5 Pages. Working in a group is very common in high education. Also, not only in university, that skill will very useful in the work place. Group work can make the work to be higher efficiency and develop another skill. In this essay will discuss the benefits of group work and how important is it

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