Science And Technology In Education Essay. Words4 Pages. With the changing in rapidly of technology and science reform in evry day, science and technology are the key to economic development, successful industrialization and modern career, and science is mainly benefiting to develop the country with skilled workers and managers because it improves health system, May 18, · The use of forensic techniques has been used throughout history to solve crimes; initiating from the early existence of man, Forensic Science was intact in its simplest forms and kept on expanding throughout the prehistoric era. Prehistoric forensics is also considered as the building blocks of modern forensic techniques Write an essay (no more than 3 type written pages) to summarize three key points made in each article and to answer the following questions: [Teaching Standard D- Recognize and respond to diversity] Explore the historical development of science and the scientific method
Science and Technology for Sustainable Development
For centuries, national economies and social changes have been driven by science and technology activities. Today, current economies have been transformed from economies based on natural resources to systems that are globally integrated based on knowledge and information. It is important to note that this could not have occurred without incorporation of scientific principles or most important, science development essay, implementing innovative technology. The activities of science and technology have accelerated national growths and have caused social change through various avenues, such as; communication, transport in terms of movement, and enhanced capacities to generate Cooper This paper provides an overview in the development of science and technology in European civilization, thus, discussing the following: civilizations in Mesopotamia, Egypt and Greek, science development essay.
The foundation of Western civilization was laid by Mesopotamians and Egyptians. Both Mesopotamians and Egyptians developed cities and coped with challenges of organized states. They also pioneered writing to maintain records and establish literature Perry Egyptians were able to build magnificent and complex pyramids aimed at appeasing their gods. Their architecture also indicated their power and authority in the kingdom. The basic spheres of Egyptian life, that is, political, social, religious, and others tackle challenges that exist in humans Perry These observations on Egyptian civilization assisted many in understanding the daunting challenges human beings experienced in terms of: the nature of human relationships; the nature of the universe; and the role of the divine forces in the universe Perry Science development essay later citizens of the Western civilizations would offer different views from those of Mesopotamians and Egyptians, it was they who first posed, gave solutions, and recorded them down.
In essence, human memory starts with these science development essay civilizations Perry The accomplishments of Mesopotamian civilization played a great part in the development of science and technology in Western Civilization. The word Mesopotamia was extracted from Greek meaning the land between the rivers Postgate 6. The first civilization began in Mesopotamia an area in the valleys of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. The Sumerians were the first to develop an urban civilization in Mesopotamia. They colonized the marshlands of the lower Euphrates, which together with Tigris flows in the Gulf of Persia. The origin of Sumerians is obscure, although scholars speculate that they migrated from the east, perhaps northern India Bottero Gradually, their hut settlements evolved into twelve independent city states, each consisting of a city and its surrounding countryside at around B.
among these tremendous achievements of the Sumerians were a system of symbol writing, in which pictograms and signs for numbers were engraved with a reed stylus on clay tablets to represent ideas; elaborate brick houses, palaces, and temples; bronze tools and weapons; irrigation works; trade with other people; an early form of money; religious and political institutions; schools; religious and science development essay literature; varied art forms; codes of law; medicinal drugs; and lunar calendar Postgate Although Sumerians spoke common language and shared same customs and gods, their city sates engaged in frequent rivalry principally over boundaries and water rights.
The water rights meant the canals built upriver reduced the water available to the cities down river. Due to this warfare, Sumerians were weakened and exposed them to foreign domination. Sumerian science development essay were incorporated into various kingdoms and empires in succeeding centuries. Semitic tongue replaced Sumerian language as official language in these territories Postgate However, their cultural achievements endured. The Babylonians, Akkadians, and others adopted Sumerian religious, legal, literary and art forms. The Sumerian legacy served as the basis for a Mesopotamian civilization that maintains a distinct style of years Bottero Central to Mesopotamian society, was kingship; bestowed on a man by gods.
There was a tendency of Mesopotamian Kings to regard themselves as gods, science development essay, that is, they were selected by gods as their representatives on earth. All the laws were administered by the king, laws which came from gods Wildwood 8. These laws provided Mesopotamia with a measure of security and orderliness. The famous code science development essay Hammurabi was the principle collection of laws in ancient Mesopotamia. The code has provided invaluable insights into Mesopotamian society Perkins The laws were inscribed on a stone slab near the top of which Hammurabi was depicted, standing reverently before the throne of Shamash, science development essay, the sun god and patron of justice.
Hammurabi, just in typical Mesopotamian fashion, science development essay that science development essay code rested on the authority of the gods; a violation of it was a contravention of the divine order Bottelo The social status was revealed by these codes. Men were held as head of families; although efforts were made to protect women and children from mistreatment and poverty. For instance, if a man divorced his wife because they could give him a son, he had to provide her with finances. There were severe punishments.
For instance, science development essay, the code prescribed death on housebreaking, kidnapping, assisting in the escape of slaves, receiving stolen goods; and hearing false witnesses. Class differences were expressed in the code Wildwood Penalties varied in with the status of both accuser and the victim. For example, harming a noble received huge punishment than harming a commoner. Heavy penalties were imposed on government officials who engaged in science development essay or bribery. The provisions of the code relating to business transactions indicate the significance of trade to Mesopotamian life.
Mesopotamian economy was solely dependent on foreign and domestic trade. It had great opportunities for private enterprise. Even their temple priests besides their merchants engaged in trade since they possessed surplus produce collected as rents from farmers using temple land Postgate Sumerians science development essay schools, which taught the sons of the upper class in the art of cunciform writing. There are many discovered tablets on which Sumerian students practiced their lessons. This testifies their years of their disciplined and demanding work demanding them to master the scribble art.
All scribbles were virtually men; however, women scribes are also mentioned at times in Mesopotamian writings. Literacy in particular, was extended to noble women Bottero 5. To aid their students, teachers prepared textbooks of word lists and mathematical science development essay with solutions. Science development essay compiled probably the first dictionary when they translated Sumerian words to Akkadian language. Students who finished the course of study successfully were employed as archivists, secretaries or accountants by the temple, the law courts and the palace or merchants. The Sumerian system of cunciform writing spread to other parts of world Wildwood Impressive advances in mathematics were also made by Mesopotamians.
They devised multiplication and division tables, including cubes and cube roots. They were able to determine the area of right angles, triangles and rectangles, divided a circle into degrees, and ha some understanding of the principles that centuries later would be developed into the Pythagorean theorem and quadratic equations Postgate The Egyptian set towards the path of civilization in the fertile valley of the Nile during the early of Mesopotamia civilization. The Greek historian Herodotus termed Egypt as the gift of the Nile, for good reason Bell 5. This is because without this mighty river, which flows more than four thousand miles from central Africa northward to the Mediterranean, virtually all of Egypt would be a desert.
When the Nile broke its banks, as it did reliably and predictably, the floodwaters deposited a layer of fertile black earth, science development essay, which, when cultivated, provided abundant food to support Egyptian civilization. Science development essay Egyptians learned how to control the river; a feat that needed cooperation effort and ingenuity, as well as engineering and administrative skills Perry Religion was the essence of Egyptian civilization. The overall Egyptian practices in terms of art, science development essay, literature, health and others were based on religious beliefs.
The great Egyptian pyramids, which took decades to be constructed to finish and demanded labour of thousands of people, were pharaohs tombs. In addition, Egyptian health care system is laced with utterances which bode to magic. For instance, all ailments were associated to occur as a result of the gods. The field of astronomy grew in Egypt as a result of Egyptians seeking exact time of doing religious rites and sacrifices. Literary examples of early Egyptian life are full of themes related to religion. Pharaohs were revered as royalty that acted as a bridge between Egyptian gods and its citizens.
The justice system followed strict religion and justice was administered a revered creator god. Egyptians appealed to gods to provide them victory during times of war, science development essay, provide abundant harvest, and protect them from sicknesses and misfortunes. They also established codes of ethics they thought were sanctioned by the gods they worship. In a number of treaties formulated by high officials, science development essay, Egyptians were urged to speak the truth and to treat others fairly Waddel Devine kingship presented the basic institution of Egyptian civilization. The needs of Egyptian environment perhaps assisted forge the idea of the pharaoh as a living god because a ruler with supernatural authority, and held in favour by the gods, could hold together the large kingdom and draft the mass labour needed to maintain the irrigation system.
The pharaoh authority was enhanced by numerous priests and standing army. Similar to Mesopotamians, Egyptians made practical development in mathematics and science. They demonstrated magnificent skills in constructing pyramids. The pyramid of Khufu for instance, is still the largest stone building ever constructed. The Egyptians fashioned a system of mathematics that was effective including geometry for measurements that enabled them to solve relatively simple problems. In Egypt, the control of floodwaters of Nile needed meticulous planning. It was therefore, important to know when the Nile would begin to overflow. Marking that the Nile flooded after the star Sirius emerged in the sky, Egyptians developed a calendar by which they could predict the time of flood, science development essay.
They fashioned a calendar of twelve months eventually. Each of these months had thirty days. To complete the solar year, science development essay, they added a separate period of five days after the last month. Egyptian calendar based on the sun was more accurate than the Babylonian lunar calendar Perry In the field of medicine, Egyptian physicians were more capable than their Mesopotamian colleagues, science development essay. They were able to diagnose illnesses; they recognized that in hygiene encouraged contagion. Egyptians had knowledge of anatomy and performed operations; circumcision and perhaps removing of abscessed teeth.
There is evidence that Egyptian doctors examined the body in a scientific way, although the progress of medicine was derailed by the belief that supernatural forces caused illnesses. In scroll, Smith surgical papyrus omitted all references to divine intervention in his advice for treating wounds and fractures.
How I wrote 1st class essays at Cambridge University (how to write the best essay)
, time: 8:17What is Science?
May 25, · Short Essay on Science words in English. Science essay might help students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 for their assignments and exam reference material. Human civilization and science are continually developing and evolving hand-in-hand; hence we can say that the modern world belongs to the age of blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins Essay Review: Anderson & Buck: Science Development conditions of health, and consumption of food that exists between the developing countries and the developed world' (BBS, ). Despite starting from different conceptions of science, Sagasti, Mendelssohn and Moravcsik arrive at much the same conclusion Write an essay (no more than 3 type written pages) to summarize three key points made in each article and to answer the following questions: [Teaching Standard D- Recognize and respond to diversity] Explore the historical development of science and the scientific method
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